Edge App for Parents
The school student management system EDGE has an additional function we would like parents to use – the EDGE App.
Once you have set up a login as a caregiver on the Edge website, you will be able to download the app to your cell phone, then access it and
create a password. You will then be able to use this app to find details on your student.
As a caregiver, you will be able to access some of the following features:
- student timetables
- student attendance
- NCEA information
- school account details
Further to the above functions, you are able to report an absence for your student, this logs attendance directly to the system at school
and is more efficient than the current procedure for absences.
The office and staff will also be able to send notifications to caregivers, with the hope that this becomes an effective and safe
form of communicating using technology.
All communication from the school will be via email or notification on the Edge app. We are phasing out paper notices where possible,
however, if you do not have access to email or the app, please contact the office to arrange paper notices. Due to a change in the Board Of
Trustees communications policy, staff will no longer be contactable on social media platforms, all communication must be through email or a phone call to the school office.
Please find the setup instructions attached. You must use the email address that the school has for you and you are currently receiving
emails from the school.
For any parent who needs help with setting up this app, feel free to contact either Cara or Sara for support.